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Senior Library - Research: DEFINE what you need to know

Define your research topic

If defining your own research project for your EPQ for example;

  • Write down a topic that interests you and what you know about it. Keep it broad to begin with.
  • Brainstorm some ideas related to this broad area or topic. What kind of things could you explore? For example, if your research is on the Boar problem in Hong Kong you could look at population, habitat, hunting, breeding, diet. etc.  Also think about time periods, geographic locations and groups of people that you could relate to this broad area.
  • Develop some questions that explore different aspects of the topic. These will usually be open ended questions that begin with terms like Why,  How,  What or Should.
  • Refine the topic as you research, using the information you find to inform your research question. Your topic will change and develop as you go along until you come up with your final research topic.

Tools for defining your research topic